
Longevity Expert Matt Kaeberlein Exposes Common Myths Circulating the Media | 4 - Nick Arapis

Optispan CEO Matt Kaeberlein discusses common assumptions about longevity and healthspan.

Check out the links below for further information and/or reading about some of the things we discussed in this podcast episode. Note that we do not necessarily endorse or agree with the content of these readings, but present them as supplementary material that may deepen your understanding of the topic after you listen to our podcast. This list is in no way exhaustive, but it’s a good start!

Objections and Their Counterarguments

Nick points out that some people believe that humans shouldn't live for too long to make room for fresh ideas from new generations. This spreadsheet presents a few counterarguments to that idea, including that a person being "old" need not imply that they are static and incapable of fostering innovation. Other common objections to the study of aging biology that the spreadsheet addresses include ideas around how slowing aging will cause an overpopulation problem, increase pension and healthcare costs, and enable dictators to survive.

222 ‒ How nutrition impacts longevity | Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D.

Matt and physician Peter Attia dive into the nebulous world of nutrition and longevity in this episode of the Peter Attia Drive podcast. They cover caloric restriction, time-restricted feeding, high- and low-protein diets, Matt's 2021 review of anti-aging diets, and more.

The mouse as a model organism in aging research: Usefulness, pitfalls and possibilities

Researchers typically test longevity interventions in model organisms such as mice, worms, or yeast before they test them in people. Conducting experiments on model organisms first enables researchers to gather initial safety and efficacy data without exposing humans to potential risks, and also provides a controlled experimental environment where researchers can manipulate variables, such as genetic makeup and environmental conditions, to identify cause-and-effect relationships and validate therapeutic targets. This article discusses the reliability of mice as animal models for longevity research as well as some of the nuances that researchers should consider when using these animals in experiments.

Harvard study, almost 80 years old, has proved that embracing community helps us live longer, and be happier

People matter. The Harvard Study of Adult Development, which tracked the health trajectories and life events of over 700 men starting in the year 1938, found that close social ties outperformed social class, IQ, and genetics for predicting long, happy lives.


Rapamycin's Impact on Oral Health & its Relationship to Aging | 5 - Jonathan An, DDS, PhD


Longevity Expert Sheds Light on common MISCONCEPTIONS for People's' Health | 3 - Nick Arapis