
Inside this Non-profit's AMAZING Strategy to Fight Aging | 27 - Dylan Livingston

We talk a lot about the science of longevity and healthspan on the Optispan podcast—how DEXA scans work, what an optimal rapamycin dose might look like, how the intersection of optogenetics and mitochondria are helping us understand biological aging, what supplements one might consider taking and why.

But the longevity field runs on way more than just science. It takes a village—a community of researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs, investors, regulators, and beyond who believe in the value of tackling the biology of aging as a crucial strategy for extending healthy lifespan—to create tangible results that benefit as many people as possible. At Optispan, we're eager to support and interact with the many levers that keep this machine going. One of these is the Alliance for Longevity Initiatives (A4LI), a nonprofit organization focused on catalyzing social and political action that will benefit the longevity field.

In this episode, Matt chats with A4LI founder, president, and CEO Dylan Livingston about forming a bipartisan longevity science caucus, redirecting funding towards geroscience research, and engaging with policymakers to help them understand the importance of transitioning towards a proactive healthcare model. Dylan, who founded A4LI in 2021, served as a field organizer for President Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign. He also worked as a community organizer for Organizing Corps 2020, where he registered hundreds of Democratic voters in Pennsylvania for the 2020 presidential compaign. Dylan graduated from Haverford College with a B.S. in physics and a minor in economics.

Matt joined the A4LI Board of Directors in 2024.

Check out the links below for further information and/or reading about some of the things we discussed in this podcast episode. Note that we do not necessarily endorse or agree with the content of these readings, but present them as supplementary material that may deepen your understanding of the topic after you listen to our podcast. This list is in no way exhaustive, but it’s a good start!

Longevity Gets Political at an Unprecedented DC Event

Lifespan.io, a nonprofit organization that aims to help accelerate discovery in the aging field through journalism, crowdfunding, and community building, profiled a two-day congressional briefing on longevity science held at Washington, D.C.'s Mayflower Hotel in April 2024. The event included presentations from Matt and other longevity biotech startup founders such as Kristen Fortney (BioAge) and Joe Betts-Lacroix (Retro Biosciences). Attendees also heard from former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Republican Congressman Gus Bilirakis, and Democratic Congressman Paul Tonko.

A Policymaker’s Guide the Longevity Therapeutics Industry

This guide serves as a primer on the ever-evolving longevity space for policymakers. It describes the dominance of aging as a risk factor in chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes, the thesis behind the geroscience approach, and recent academic and industry initiatives in longevity medicine. It also addresses several arguments for and against tackling age-related diseases and lifespan—think overpopulation, economic disparity, and the "unnaturalness" of longer lifespans—and ends with concrete steps that policymakers can take to help advance the field.

The Advanced Approval Pathway for Longevity Medicines

This document proposes a special approval track for longevity medicines to accelerate the development process for drugs that tackle the biological aging process. It includes standards for designating a therapeutic as a longevity medicine and solutions for overcoming status quo barriers such as a priority review voucher system and patent term extensions.

How can ARPA-H be a transformative agency to advance the development of biotechnology that targets human aging?

The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) entity that aims to accelerate the development of transformative solutions to our greatest health challenges. The agency provides funding to support high-impact, high-risk, high-reward research in the private and public sectors under the leadership of a Program Manager who champions a core idea and uses their subject matter expertise to see the idea to fruition. This post provides several examples of how ARPA-H might support the longevity field.

Make Your Voice Heard: Contact Your Representative on Behalf of Longevity Science

A4LI has prepared a letter template for you to use in the event that you want to request that your congressperson provides support to longevity initiatives. You are welcome to customize the letter as you see fit, and may email A4LI at info@a4li.org if you need any assistance, such as contact information for your congressional office, to send the letter.


Aging Expert Explains How Healthcare got it ALL WRONG. | 28 - HSM #6


Guess HIS body fat percentage | #26 - Healthspan Medicine #5